On Beyond Cancer

My life with metastatic breast cancer

Tough day, but some good news October 3, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — onbeyondcancer @ 8:26 pm

I had a restless night last night for no particular reason.  Just couldn’t turn off my mind.  I woke up exhausted and with a headache.  This morning I had a PET scan, so I had to fast.  My appointment was not until 10:30 AM and the scanning process took 1.5 hours (not including paperwork, etc), so it was about 1PM before I could eat anything.  Once I finished the paperwork, they gave me a radioactive sugar injection and then I had to wait for an hour so that it could move through my body.  They told me not to sit too close to Mike because I was radioactive!  The scan itself took 20 min in a CT scan type machine.  I slept through most of it, waking up only when the table moved through the scanner.  We should have the results early next week. 

For the good news – tumor markers dropped another 22 points down to 91.  Woo hoo! 🙂 🙂


9 Responses to “Tough day, but some good news”

  1. Kathy Clarke Says:

    Fantastic news o n the markers! I hear you about the mind not turning off. Sometimes it just won’t rest and sometimes it rests too much! When I can’t fall asleep I pretend I am laying on the beach in Aruba under a canopy (so I don’t get sunburn) with a fan blowing the cool, ocean breeze on me while steel drums play in the background. I can hear and smell all of this and it works wonders

  2. Margie Says:

    Great news about the tumor markers – down to double digits again. I guess you forgot to tell me about them when we talked on the phone. How long will you be radioactive? Ryan might try to use you as a night light 😉 Love you, Mom

  3. So glad the tumer markers are down, yeah! Hope you get some rest tonight. Make Mike make dinner and take care of the kids ;).

    Sending lots of big hugs!

  4. Decrease of your markers is a good sign, I hope the PET scan confirms this!

  5. Aunt Amy Says:

    Great news on the tumor markers!

  6. Becca Says:

    You rock!

  7. Clarke, Wilford E Says:

    Great news!

    Thanks for being patient about the re-scheduled phone calls.

    Did Ethan see that Grandma contributed 50 bucks to the walk?

    Love Dad @ Tina

  8. Aunt Cindy Says:

    Wonderful News! Hope your nights are better.

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